Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Mid-term

We are officially in the mid-term of the semester and I like to share my thoughts about the achievements of learning in English-101. In the beginning of the class I was very nervous and frustrated of the class, because of my limited ability to write multiple page assignment on a single topic. Now, I am happy of my few success and triumphs over my graded work. We still have 3 or 4 more writing assigments to finish and hopefully by end of them all, I should achieve a proficency in writing.
My problem is in the beginning few paragraphs and the first page, once I get through those then it gets little easy with overflow of information. I let it all out in a free writing and then keep revising and editing multiple times till I feel comfortable with my final product. I also find this class preparing me for public speaking, speech and presentaion as well.

1 comment:

  1. I really struggled in the begining of this class as well, and like you, I feel like I am really learning a lot. Life is a constant journey of learning. Enjoy the ride.
