Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spring class registration starts soon.....

Starting Monday Nov. 2nd the Spring class registration begins. Though, I have to meet with my advisor/counselor to finalize my plans, I am all set to register for 4 classes. Within next 2 weeks I should have it all taken care off, by then we will have about a month left for this semester. This coming Spring it will be a year since I am a full-time student at HACC. I think I have about 30 more credits to finish before I graduate, and my anticipated graduation is May 2011.


Has anyone else seen the billboards from, two or three years I started noticing them and that really caught my attention. Together with my son we looked at their website and it is very inspirational, they have a message that is very thought provoking and instills values for a better life.
Than, I also remember seeing the TV show of World's best commercials and the World's funniest commercials as well. Commercials and advertisement are out there to influence people either to buy their products and or services. Some are very touching and have a message like Coca-Cola and Nike. The more they show the better their chances of capturing your thoughts so that you buy their merchandise. Every media is filled with these advertisement and commercials; from print, online to multi-media(TV/movies). They are also involved in sponsoring and promoting events like sports, stadiums and street cleaning. There is a set budget for marketing and advertising to stay competitive in the market.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

President Obama - Nobel Peace winner.

Does anyone else gets more stunned then I did on the news of the President winning the coveted prize. Even the President himself was quite surprised to hear the news himself, and he acknowledge that more work needs to be done in order to justify the win. This is the third time a US president has won; the previous winners are President Woodrow Wilson and President Jimmy Carter. And I am sure President Bill Clinton deserves this recognition as well. When making major decisions for war related efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan this win will play a big role in President Obama's mind. Maybe now he will use more diplomacy then force to set the US agenda around the globe. I want to see how it plays out in the next few years, I hope he has good advisers to guide him through. Mr. Rahm Emanuel and Mr. David Axlerod needs to think more morally correct then politically correct.

Last Thought On F-451

Finally an end to a very engaging and informative discussion of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit-451. All the class discussions and assignments were very helpful in understanding the novel from many different perspective. There were many theories and analogies pitched in by fellow classmates. I find them all very interesting and insightful, these even helped me understand the novel better. Even the class presentation this week were very detailed and professionally handled. My project and much of the graded work is the product of all of the above. I am very thankful to all the classmates for a rich and vibrant exchange over the book discussions. Now, I will be presenting my project on Professor Faber on Monday, this is my creativity and fictional ideas for him.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Mid-term

We are officially in the mid-term of the semester and I like to share my thoughts about the achievements of learning in English-101. In the beginning of the class I was very nervous and frustrated of the class, because of my limited ability to write multiple page assignment on a single topic. Now, I am happy of my few success and triumphs over my graded work. We still have 3 or 4 more writing assigments to finish and hopefully by end of them all, I should achieve a proficency in writing.
My problem is in the beginning few paragraphs and the first page, once I get through those then it gets little easy with overflow of information. I let it all out in a free writing and then keep revising and editing multiple times till I feel comfortable with my final product. I also find this class preparing me for public speaking, speech and presentaion as well.

Characters with Character

Their are 3 characters that stood-out in the F-451; they are Clarisse, Faber and Granger in the order of there introduction in the novel. They are like three legs of a tripod who helped Guy at critical moments to stabilize the situation.
Clarisse was introduced earlier in the story and she creates a fire within a firemen asking him why instead of how of things in the society. She starts the change in Guy that sparks his enthusiasm to know the reason of the culture portrayed in the story. Faber is the guiding light and the force behind Guy's fight against the censorship and civil liberties. He played a pivotal role in shaping the revolution for Guy and paving the path with strategies. Whereas in the end Guy meets Granger who is the leader of the resistance and a scholar just like Faber who puts final touch to the demise of the autocratic government.

Class Discusssions

The past few weeks had been very engaging and involved for the English composition class. It felt more like a literature class then a writing class. I enjoyed most of the class discussions and got involved in most of them, sharing my point of view. We had open dialogue and different opinions from many classmates.
No two person had similar understanding of the novel, the scenes and their characters, these really helped me understand the book more in depth. Which helped me understand the F-451 in a wide screen panoramic view. I was very skeptical in the beginning and was hoping as of to have just one class discussion because, I find the beginning chapters very twisted and confusing. But now I am glad as learning from all those class encounters which will help me write a literary analysis.
Thanks everyone in the class for productive and intersting inputs.