Sunday, September 20, 2009

Right to Read : An Argument

All the constitutional rights and liberties that we as Americans enjoy has been challenged and misinterpreted many times in the past. Let me here make my point about the Right to Read; it is a birth right of every citizen to a good education. That should not be confused with right to information and right to be informed. The government is not our enemy, we make it our enemy. Society needs some kind of structure (the government) that helps maintain the civilization. It is we who make the government; they serve us. There seems to be a fight between them (the government) and us (the civilians) for many of our rights.
Some of the thoughts discussed in the class about censorship and the books that were banned and or challenged needs more insight. We have movies, music, games, smoking, drinking.....etc that is not made easily available to kids under the age of 18 and for some 21. These have contents and the message which may be damaging to a minor. Well, lets say if some of those books (banned & challenged) have a theme or a plot that is not a minor material. Then the parents have the right to oppose it with an argument of an minors right to fair education; contrary to that the literary body has the right to freedom of speech. To settle this may be we can have a non-profit organization which is a body of experts from literary, educators, parents, counselors and others . There job is to find a solution to this mess and take an unbiased stand.
There already maybe an entity like that and we need to make it more transparent and effective. If we all keep negotiating and discussing this through we will have a solution, and lastly lets not forget the government, maybe there involvement can help too.

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