Thursday, September 24, 2009

What is with F-451???

When at times of war and crisis in the past the history points to some unfortunate facts. Censorship and a ban on civil liberties are products of weak regimes. They are in denial of their eminent defeat and use a propaganda to divert attention. In this first chapter there is a reference of war on the horizon with fighter planes flying. There is censorship of thoughts, speech, and action where everybody is kept under vigil. They are using media and the state to promote the message of everyone to be equal but not free. People are fed and raised like machines and they have no self emotions, personal goals or desires.
It is a scary and depressing to be part of that society as per the novel; although, it is a sci-fi-a very chilling scenario. We are made aware by some of the references in the novel of how despicable and brutal times were. There are some in the present World who have experienced those and that is such an irony.

The Hearth and the Salamander - An Explanation

I tried to look up the meaning of the chapter, and wanted to see how that fits the title of the book. They define hearth as paved surface in front of the fireplace, whereas as salamander is a kind of lizard. None of them make sense to what the storyline is, but if one looks harder they may find some connection to them both.
My explanation is that the hearth is where Guy hides all his books saved from being incinerated. This is the storing place; before they end up in the fire, it is very hot here. This is like how in front of the fireplace they have a bricked or stoned finish which will be hot and one does not place anything of importance that close. So maybe Guy was protecting all those books from fire, but in reality they are were all in danger of fire and will end burnt or damaged anyway. Guy tried but in the end, as Beatty said "fire is clean and powerful" and all the books vanished.
Whereas the Salamander is a metaphor for the mechanical hound. It is scary looking and an reptile. Some even define Salamander as an medieval creature, a character in role playing games. This fits the description very well for the hound, who eradicates those who oppose and are resistance elements.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Fahrenheit novel readings

After reading through the first chapter of the novel I am very unclear of the plot. It seems like a futuristic sci-fi novel, but the plot seems to be moving from different characters and scenes. Maybe this is just the beginning and I failed to understand that. There is a fireman, his depressed wife and a friend/neighbor who is questioning how instead of why about the society they live in. Then we have fireman burning books and impeding war on the horizon. I am looking forward to the class tomorrow so as to understand more about the plot and hear different views.
I also like to know more about the blog assignment; do we all need to comment to each other's blog, this is my 10th blog and and yet we are not active within the group.

Right to Read : An Argument

All the constitutional rights and liberties that we as Americans enjoy has been challenged and misinterpreted many times in the past. Let me here make my point about the Right to Read; it is a birth right of every citizen to a good education. That should not be confused with right to information and right to be informed. The government is not our enemy, we make it our enemy. Society needs some kind of structure (the government) that helps maintain the civilization. It is we who make the government; they serve us. There seems to be a fight between them (the government) and us (the civilians) for many of our rights.
Some of the thoughts discussed in the class about censorship and the books that were banned and or challenged needs more insight. We have movies, music, games, smoking, drinking.....etc that is not made easily available to kids under the age of 18 and for some 21. These have contents and the message which may be damaging to a minor. Well, lets say if some of those books (banned & challenged) have a theme or a plot that is not a minor material. Then the parents have the right to oppose it with an argument of an minors right to fair education; contrary to that the literary body has the right to freedom of speech. To settle this may be we can have a non-profit organization which is a body of experts from literary, educators, parents, counselors and others . There job is to find a solution to this mess and take an unbiased stand.
There already maybe an entity like that and we need to make it more transparent and effective. If we all keep negotiating and discussing this through we will have a solution, and lastly lets not forget the government, maybe there involvement can help too.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Writing a self literacy narrative

Here we are now describing the journey to the knowledge I have. There are so many paths taken and not taken to educate myself. Lots of missed opportunities and shyness that shaped my present; then there also is effort and dedication to acquire the education. There has been so many challenges learning new material and mastering that, and it is not over yet - it is a never ending cycle. The quest for knowledge is over when one quits and fails to try again. I have many experiences and will choose some of the good ones to create my own literacy narrative.

Reaction to Writing from the Darkness

It seemed like been written almost half a century ago, it reflects struggle and sacrifice of that era. An African-American female growing up in racially tense time, and her commitment to be different from the rest. The author does sense the pulse of those like her and easily relates to them. The narrative is very touching and emotional, and it joins those who have a talent yet are introvert and aloof. It also is a message to the rest who fail to see the genius in people who are like the author. The author's journal is like an inspiration to all us giving hope and to never quit to achieve our goals.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Current events

Does anyone else gets distured by the current events; the healthcare reform, President's address to the Congress, THE WAR and the depression? I do follow the news and politics very closely and I think the solution is in our hands. Rather than asking for bailouts and help, we must exercise our civic duties more often to resolve. Liberties comes with lots of responsibilities and we must ask more from our representatives and local elected officials. If we are more involved and act as a watchdog, then they will be more vigilant and concerned.

Writing and a Writer

Maybe I know how to write, but through this class I want to be a writer. I do read a lot, mainly magazines and newpaper; now I want to create my own writing portfolios. It seems like a challenge right now as it is still in infancy and I will master this art soon. My mind when writing is clouded up with so many thoughts, yet I fail to communicate effectively. Hopefully, by end of this month after getting inputs from the teacher and others I will correct my mistakes and progress.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

An explanation of literacy narrative by me

The literacy narrative reading from chapter-7 is very touching and resourceful. These are challenges faced by immigrants trying to assimilate with the society and culture. I myself have those experiences and setbacks and did find comfort in going through them. There is still a lot to learn and achieve, and I will look up to those experiences and get encouragement and guidance.

What is my understanding of a Thesis statement

Writing a thesis statement was an interesting experience for me. Although so simple when read, it took a lot of effort for me. My understanding of a thesis statement has to be concise and thought provoking. It has to be your mission statement that inspires and involves readers.

My view on Stanley Fish's article

America has a better education system then is portrayed by Stanley Fish. There are some issues in the education system, but they can be easily addressed with consensus among the educators and administrators. The U.S has many of the best Universities in the World and some of the best research and technologies is creation of them. Students from around the World strive for U.S education and I am very proud to be a part of that.